

Been a while since I blogged, but it took me to get fucked over AGAIN, to start finishing the long awaited book, DRAMA, before I felt I could let these fingers of mine blog freely and do not care who gets or carry feelings about what I have to say....life's too short and I'll be dead soon, so love it or don't read it.

                                                               WHEN DOES IT STOP!!!1

Call me old fashioned, which has nothing to do with age, but with good upbringing, but when did it become acceptable for Male or Female to begin communicating on a sexual level before we even have had the chance to hook up for a drink/coffee?

Yo, I do not understand how you can take one look at my picture and feel that you want to have sex with me before you even know who I am.  But you feel that I am down with the programme to have sex talk before you even brush your teeth in the morning.

I for one is fed up of it.  Unless I actually went on a hook up site (which it looks like a lot of you seem to be doing now), why are you asking me 'What Position do I like'??  Really!! I shut the conversation down straight away.

Now, some would say, I am being prudish and old foggie.  Nooooo.  It's called getting to know you.  Getting to know if I need to be in your company for any form of date.  Do you make me laugh?  What are your life goals?  What is going on in your head.  Who the ff*&k are you?  Am I wasting my precious time with someone whose boring the shit of out me? No, I do not want to know what size your dick is and if you like to know if  I spray water when I am having sex!!!

Listen to me, the world is in a bad space, women have allowed themselves to have these nasty worthless conversations and spread their legs more than butter on bread.

This is why we have some many dysfunctional young ladies, cause rather than know who they are as a person, they fall into the trap of being what the men want them to be.  By doing this, they lose their souls, their beauty, their dignity, their goodness that is deep within.  Instead, comes vanity, insecurity, aggy characters, side chicks, numerous baby daddies and STDs.

Women are constantly airing their woes about another women online, when the man is sitting back with their friends, calling the girls whores and laughing at the them.  They don't respect them.  They only respect that they either have a little bit of money, that their girl looks like instagram fakers, that they have the latest Gucci's, can ride with their homies and can get pu&*y when they want it.

This is what we as a society have allowed ourselves to fall into.

Then you have grown arse men, (40+ going on 25) now in the gym perfecting their bodies to look like 35 year olds, so they can get 25 year olds, whilst their offsprings are on the street with not a pot to piss in and pregnating other young ladies the same age as their grown arse children.  WTF.

You Paedophiles.....

Ladies you don't escape this either.  stop giving to what a man wants when you are wanting yourselves.  Imagine, you seeing a guy, who cannot even hold your hand in public, nor buy you a bottle of water, but you Love Him.  Are you crackers, you mean you don't love yourself.

I know some Ladies prefer younger guys and I will write about that in a separate blog later next week.

I get requests all day long, the latest is 'I want you?' My response is.  Do you now?  Why?  For What?  Cause if it is for sexual purposes, then you are on your own mate..this pu%y rather stay dried up.  Naff Orf.


goksa said...
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goksa said...

Hello, dearest Wishing On A Star! Thank you for your post.

English language – not my native. I'm not a citizen of UK, AU, USA. Please, accept my apologies for my low skills.

let these fingers ©
May I say: by fingertips of my hands. To talk about obvious things. Sometimes there really is a need & it makes a sense. It comes with the job. So, this is very good content to start write book for retail, perhaps.

When is this gonna stop. !Never, sho'nuff.

to begin communicating on a sexual level before we even ©
+ Everything converges, if modern people, according to the book "On the Origin of Species" 1859, consider themselves animals. Thanks for this to Mr. Charles Darwin.

What Position do I like ©
Merely, give a discount to modern humankind.

What is going on in your head ©
What kind of good upbringing in society we can talk today. For example, if the even first person of one large state, in one of the years of his reign, opens the year - of the Family's in the month of January. What he is going to do for a next step. Goes on divorce at these current year.

Call me old fashioned ©
This is your life.

Listen to me ©
This is why we ©
Women are constantly ©
This is what we as ©
This is their lives.

Then you have grown arse men ©
Life. Live is life.

Ladies you don't escape this either ... Imagine, you seeing a guy, who cannot even hold your hand in public, nor buy you a bottle of water, but you Love Him. ©
So cute. I guess it's so delicate first of all.
